
Welcome to Corey's Health and Fitness Diary! On this blog, you might find interesting commentaries on health and fitness from my many diary entries on the subjects. It should be noted, however, that I'm not an expert on health and fitness, just an average Joe trying to live a healthy life. If expert advice is your goal, please consult your physician, nutritionist, weight trainer, or appropriate expert.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Deltoid tendinitis

My evaluation appointment with the physical therapist finally came, and I was surprised to lern that I don't have a rotator cuff injury but deltoid tendinitis. Tendinitis in the rotator cuff is located more in the high shoulder area, internal to the socket, whereas my injury is half-way down the deltoid where the muscle turns into tendon. Luckily, deltoid tendinitis responds better to therapy.

During my visit today, the therapist did an ultrasound procedure that I've seen during televised episodes of Democracy Now!, wherein this prolonged apparatus is massaged over lotioned skin. In my case, the ultrasound was massaged over my deltoid, using a steroid lotion. I was then led through a battery of exercises that I need to perform twice a day and advised to set up appointments twice weekly. Well, at least I know what it is and that it's not too serious!

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