
Welcome to Corey's Health and Fitness Diary! On this blog, you might find interesting commentaries on health and fitness from my many diary entries on the subjects. It should be noted, however, that I'm not an expert on health and fitness, just an average Joe trying to live a healthy life. If expert advice is your goal, please consult your physician, nutritionist, weight trainer, or appropriate expert.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fighting allergies

Last fall, my first here in Bloomington-Normal, I experienced my worst bout of allergies ever. I've heard before, in casual conversation, that one develops allergies to a new place over time, which goes against my own experience. It seems to me that my allergies were always the worst when I first arrived in a new geographical location and then got better over time. Whatever the situation, they were bad last year and now I'm starting to get bad allergies again as summer ends.

Why my allergies are bad now, I have no idea. There are too many factors. In our recent move, we could've kicked up dust around the house. It could've been the hours of yard work. To combat them I've taken generic equivalent to Claritin, which didn't help much, and tried a home remedy suggested to me by a doctor - eating honey produced 150 miles of your home. Honey produced in your area is supposed to contain pollen picked up from the bees, which your body will produce antibodies against.

My current plan, besides taking the locally produced honey, is to take a break from the yard work and see if that clears it up a little. Eventually, though, I'm going to see a doctor who specializes in allergies. This year, I'm not taking this problem lying down!

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