
Welcome to Corey's Health and Fitness Diary! On this blog, you might find interesting commentaries on health and fitness from my many diary entries on the subjects. It should be noted, however, that I'm not an expert on health and fitness, just an average Joe trying to live a healthy life. If expert advice is your goal, please consult your physician, nutritionist, weight trainer, or appropriate expert.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Choosing a gym

I have found that there are many variables in choosing a gym. After having used 3 in the past 2 years (Los Campeones in Minneapolis, YWCA in Minneapolis, and now Gold's in Bloomington, IL), I have discovered over time what factors are most important for me. I think how these factors get ranked depends upon the individual, but it is still important to reflect upon them. Here is how I have prioritized them:
  • Hours of operation - I oftentimes head out to the gym late, arriving sometimes as late as 9 or 9:30. A later closing time is extremely important, then, in keeping my workout schedule consistent.
  • Location - Being able to walk or bike to the gym would be ideal for 2 reasons. It could serve as a warm-up and is the most environmentally-friendly choice.
  • Cleanliness and comfort - Most places are fairly clean; some are very clean. Last time I went looking at gyms, however, I saw a place that was hot, stuffy, and dirty. Needless to say, I didn't choose that gym.
  • Equipment - Of course, surveying the equipment and checking to see that Cwhat you need is there is very important.
  • Cost - Sometimes cost is a factor. But the difference in cost is usually not that significant.
What are your factors in choosing a gym? Comments are definitely welcome.

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